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Por Oscar E. Gastélum: “Racism may indeed carry out the doom of the Western world and, for that matter, of the whole of human civilization.” Hannah Arendt Hace poco menos de dos semanas, cientos [...]
Por Juan Francisco Morán: ¿Qué significa ser hípster?, ¿es un estilo de vida, una conducta, una forma de pensar? Un vocablo que, lejos de definir algo, confunde y provoca que algunos lo [...]
Por Oscar E. Gastélum: “The speakers use all accents of sincerity and sweetness, and they continuously praise virtue; but they never speak as if power would be theirs tomorrow and they would use [...]
The objections to religion are of two sorts – intellectual and moral. The intellectual objection is that there is no reason to suppose any religion true; the moral objection is that [...]